This past weekend, the women of Northeast Philadelphia and as far away as Baltimore came together for a day of reflection and renewal. The program was a cocktail of Divrei Torah and Chizuk with many speakers sharing ideas on both growth and challenges. The keynote speaker, Mrs. Shifra Rabenstein, opened the event with an energizing and inspiring talk entitled Rising Above, Growing with our Challenges.
Following Mrs. Rabenstein's speech, the women broke up into their first session. Participants could choose from four fascinating classes. Mrs. Rabenstein led her own workshop, When Bad Things Happen to Good Intentions. Rebbetzin Sarah Yeamans delivered a class on VaTakam Chana. Mrs. Shoshana Siegelman spoke on Peer to Peer Counseling. Mrs. Estee Nadav gave a presentation titled, Stay. Right. Here., A Workshop on Mindfulness.
The women were treated to a bountiful and delicious gourmet lunch. The stations included wraps, salads, soups, quiches, pasta and breads. After lunch, there was a second breakout learning session. Mrs. Besie Katz intrigued her class by speaking on Rising Above the Mundane, Using Tehilim to Address Challenges. Our very own Rebbetzin Burr dug into Navi and addressed Asarah B’Teves, Rising to the Challenge. Mrs. Dubbie Ungar engaged her workshop participants with Raising the New Generation with Joy and Purpose. Mrs. Nechama Bauman spellbound her audience as she spoke on lessening the weekly tumult with Clock is Ticking.
Closing remarks were capped off with a dessert reception and extended coffee bar. Each participant left with a beautiful gift to enhance their home L’Kavod Shabbos!