B” H
Press Release – November 11, 2021

Kollel Welcomes Rabbi and Mrs. Nosson Nota Burr
We are pleased to announce the arrival of our newest Kollel members, Rabbi Nosson Nota and Leah Burr.
Reb Nosson Nota spent his formative years in Miami Beach and Ottawa, Canada. Following their chasunah (three years ago), the Burrs moved to Yerushalayim, where Reb Nosson Nota continued his learning at the famed Mir Yeshiva of Jerusalem. Now an accomplished Talmid Chacham, he joins our Kollel and community with his wife and young son Naftali.
Leah Burr (Rothenberg) grew up in Toronto, where she attended Bnos Bais Yaakov High School. After graduating, Leah attended the Bnos Sara Seminary in Yerushalayim. Leah’s outside interests and skills include computer and graphic design.
The Burrs are very excited to join our community. We wish them and the Kollel much hatzlacha!
Ezra Wohlgelernter, President
Rabbi Yonah Burr, Rosh Kollel