Rashi, citing the Medrash, explains that the Torah juxtaposes the story of Potiphar’s wife with the story of Tamar and Yehuda to show that both women were acting for the sake of heaven, לשם שמים
Tamar yearned to be the matriarch of the Royal House of Judah; after seeing she was being rejected, she resorted to the unconventional approach of consorting with Yehuda in cognito. Indeed, her efforts were successful, and her union bore Peretz. Her descendants were Boaz and David, the eventual forerunner of Moshiach, may he come speedily in our days.
Potiphar’s wife had good intentions as well. By gazing in her crystal ball, she foresaw that her destiny was intertwined with Yosef’s. Somehow, she was destined to unite with Yosef and also create an illustrious lineage, leading to the coming of Moshiach ben Yosef. However, she wasn’t able to see clearly; she wasn’t sure if it was going to be her or her daughter. Indeed, Yosef did end up marrying the daughter of Potiphar, and the vision was fulfilled.
How do we know when our intentions are truly לשם שמים or when they are just ‘wishful thinking’? The true test is when things don’t go as planned;
Look what Tamar did when she was almost taken out to be burned at the stake! She was quiet and was willing to forego her life rather than humiliate Yehuda publicly. She placed herself at the mercy of Yehuda and trusted in Hashem that Yehuda would make the right choice.
The wife of Potiphar had a very different strategy. When things didn’t work out as she had hoped, she falsely accused Yosef and had him thrown in the dungeon. Not only was she not willing to take the blame, she shifted it over to Yosef.
When Rav Chaim of Volozhin, the famed disciple of the Vilna Gaon, came up with the idea of an organized Yeshiva network system, he approached his Rebbe. After enthusiastically promoting his plan, he was baffled that his Rebbe was unimpressed and dismissed the idea out of hand. R’ Chaim approached his Rebbe a few times, each time getting a lukewarm response at best. Finally, deflated, Rav Chaim decided to give it one last try. He quietly laid out his plan before his Rebbe, expecting the worst. This time, the Gaon seemed elated and gave his complete, enthusiastic blessing.
‘But why is this time different than all the other times?’ asked R’ Chaim. The Gaon explained, the first few times, you were so enthusiastic, I was afraid it was just a fleeting dream, tinged with visions of fame and grandeur. I needed to bring you back down to earth and to diffuse your external enthusiasm in order to ensure that you truly have the Honor of Hashem in mind. Only if we truly have pure intentions will our efforts be guaranteed success!
In our own small way, let’s try to do something completely for the sake of Heaven; let’s do some act of kindness without telling others about it, let’s try to improve something without fanfare. And may Hashem bless our deeds as well and bring Moshiach speedily in our day!
Have a wonderful Shabbos!