Ezra Wohlgelernter
May 5, 2023
We are pleased to announce that Rabbi Daniel Schon has been appointed as the incoming S’gan Rosh Kollel, and will join the Kollel staff at the beginning of Elul Zman.
Dear Friends:
On behalf of Rosh Kollel, Harav Yona Burr, Shlita, and the Board of Directors, we are pleased to announce that Rabbi Daniel Schon has been appointed as the incoming S’gan Rosh Kollel, and will join the Kollel staff at the beginning of Elul Zman. Rabbi Schon's background includes several years of learning in the renowned Yeshivas Mir in Yerushalayim and at BMG in Lakewood. His passion for teaching and love of Torah has led him to serve in Kollelim in Cincinnati and Pittsburgh since 2011.
During his tenure in these Kollelim, Rabbi Schon demonstrated exceptional teaching skills and spearheaded various learning programs for community members from all walks of life. He made Torah accessible and meaningful to all who wished to learn. Besides teaching, Rabbi Schon has a wealth of experience in organizational and fundraising endeavors. With his expertise and experience, we are confident that Rabbi Schon will be a valuable asset to our Kollel, enhancing our learning experience, enriching the community's engagement, and continuing to grow and expand the Kollel’s reach.
Rabbi Schon, Rebbetzin Dina Schon, and their children will be joining our community at the end of the summer. We look forward to building a strong and lasting relationship with Rabbi Schon as he becomes our S’gan Rosh Kollel. We are grateful to the Rabbanim and community for their unwavering support of our Kollel. We would also like to extend a special thank you to Tuvia Goldstein for his exceptional vision, leadership, and generosity, which have been instrumental in making our Kollel a success.
Ezra Wohlgelernter, President