Northeast Kollel Staff
Sep 27, 2019
Over 40 yungerleit of the five Greater Philadelphia Kollelim come together for the first time
On Wednesday, 25 Elul, a historic gathering took place at the Philadelphia Community Kollel in Merion Station, PA. The members of Greater Philadelphia's five Kollelim, over 40 yungerleit, came together for the first time and were addressed by the Rosh HaYeshiva Harav Shmuel Kamentsky shlita, and by Harav Yechiel Biberfeld, Rosh Kollel of the Philadelphia Community Kollel.
A new alliance of the five organizations was formally announced. The consortium, called Ichud Kollelim D’Philadelphia Rabbossi (Association of Greater Philadelphia Kollelim), hopes to meet periodically in locations across the area to share divrei Torah, chizuk, and ideas for advancing the perpetuation of Torah in our city.

The five Kollelem were:
Bensalem Community Kollel - Rabbi Moshe Travitzky
Cherry Hill Community Kollel - Rabbi Yonah Klahr
Northeast Community Kollel - Rabbi Yonah Burr
Philadelphia Community Kollel - Rabbi Yechiel Biberfeld
Somerton Community Kollel (Beth Solomon) - Rabbi Meir Riber
(Special thanks to R' Yosef Prupas for the panoramic photos.)